안녕하세요 AIFA 입니다.


Delaware주 응시 요건이 기존 발표된 부분에서 일부가 변경이 되었습니다. 기존에는 8월 1일 이전에 응시를 한 경우, 추후 시험 시에도 기존 응시 요건이 적용이 되었으나, 이번에 새롭게 변경된 요건은 기존에 응시를 한 경우, 또는 부분 합격을 한 경우에도 8월 1일 이후부터는 새롭게 적용된 응시 요건을 맞추어야 응시가 가능하며, 해당 부분에 대한 Evaluation도 다시 받아야 합니다.

변경 후의 Delaware주 요건은 다음과 같습니다.

120학점 이상 학사 학위, 회계 관련 24학점(Financial Accounting, Auditing, Taxation 필수)


Delaware주 응시생 분들께서는 이 점 숙지하시어, 시험 준비에 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.


아래는 NASBA로 부터 받은 원문 메일 내용입니다.


New education requirements will go into effect for all Delaware CPA Examination candidates on August 1, 2012.  At that time, every candidate (first time and reexamination - regardless of conditional status) will be required to have completed a bachelor's degree and at least 120 semester hours of college level education including 24 semester hours in accounting.  The accounting courses must include coverage of Financial Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.  Candidates who apply for the examination prior to August 1 under the current education requirements (associates degree or higher and 21 semester hours in accounting) will be permitted to sit for the examination prior to August 1 but will be required to provide additional documentation to show they meet the new requirements to continue testing after August 1.  Any open Notice to Schedule for candidates failing to provide this documentation by July 31 will be canceled.

After August 1, all candidates will need to re-qualify for the examination when they submit a new application.  This may require a new international evaluation report from Foreign Academic Credential Service (FACS).  Candidates that need an updated report from FACS should contact them directly to request a new evaluation. 

The process for submitting an application will not change.  Candidates can continue to apply online at nasba.org.  The typical processing time of a reexamination application will increase due to application volume and the need for a full academic evaluation.  It will take up to three weeks to fully process a complete application after August 1.  Candidates should allow for this additional processing time in their examination planning.

이전글 : F/R Audit 준비물 및 수업일정 변경 안내
다음글 : Final Review FARE 보강 안내